
Buttons make common actions immediately visible and easy to perform with one click or tap. They can be used for any type of action, including navigation.


Basic Notice

A basic button is one that is a flat colour and has no background colour by default.

<button class="bocss-button">button>

Success Notice

A primary button is used for primary and important actions, such as saving a page or submitting a form.

<button class="bocss-button bocss-button--primary">button>

Info Notice

A secondary button is the next level of hierarchy and are used for actions that are important but not the most important, such as a back button for a form or survey.

<button class="bocss-button bocss-button--secondary">button>

Aside Notice

A tertiary button is the lowest level of hierarchy for actions and is reserved for those that carry the least importance, such as cancelling a form.

<button class="bocss-button bocss-button--tertiary">button>

Warn Notice

A tertiary button is the lowest level of hierarchy for actions and is reserved for those that carry the least importance, such as cancelling a form.

<button class="bocss-button bocss-button--tertiary">button>

Error Notice

A full button is a button that spans the complete width of it's parent container.

<button class="bocss-button bocss-button--full">button>


Main Elements

Selector Description
.bocss-notice Selector for basic a button without modification
.bocss-notice__icon Selector for basic a button without modification
.bocss-button__content Selector for basic a button without modification


Selector Modifies Description
.bocss-notice--success .bocss-notice Selector for basic a button without modification
.bocss-notice--info .bocss-notice Selector for basic a button without modification
.bocss-notice--aside .bocss-notice Selector for basic a button without modification
.bocss-notice--warn .bocss-notice Selector for basic a button without modification
.bocss-notice--error .bocss-notice Selector for basic a button without modification

Best Practices

Notices should:

  • Be clearly and accurately labeled.
  • Lead with strong, actionable verbs.
  • Use established button colors appropriately. For example, only use a red
    button for an action that’s difficult or impossible to undo.
  • Prioritize the most important actions. Too many calls to action can cause
    confusion and make merchants unsure of what to do next.
  • Be positioned in consistent locations in the interface.

Content Guidelines


  • Be clearly and accurately labeled.
  • Lead with strong, actionable verbs.
  • Use established button colors appropriately. For example, only use a red
    button for an action that’s difficult or impossible to undo.
  • Prioritize the most important actions. Too many calls to action can cause
    confusion and make merchants unsure of what to do next.
  • Be positioned in consistent locations in the interface.

Do Not:

  • Be clearly and accurately labeled.
  • Lead with strong, actionable verbs.
  • Use established button colors appropriately. For example, only use a red
    button for an action that’s difficult or impossible to undo.
  • Prioritize the most important actions. Too many calls to action can cause
    confusion and make merchants unsure of what to do next.
  • Be positioned in consistent locations in the interface.


Notices can be found on pages such as:

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