Navigation elements

Strategically placed location markers and navigational elements orient our users in the site, and help them find what they’re looking for with ease.


  • Located above the title of the page.
  • Used as a secondary navigational tool.
  • Display the user’s location on the website.
  • Allow users to go back to higher levels of the page’s hierarchy.

Home page carousel

  • Located on the landing page only.
  • Highlights the latest noteworthy events and news.
  • Features a maximum of five rotating carousels.
  • Each carousel contains an image and clickable text that links to additional details.


The default header at the top of every page shows the user that they are on the Bank of Canada’s site, and gives them the opportunity to start their search in the language of their choice. It’s comprised of three sections:

Corporate identity

  • Located on the top left-hand corner.
  • Linked back to the home page.

See also: The Bank’s corporate identity

Global search bar

  • Located at the top right-hand side of the screen.
  • Allows users to input key words to find relevant content without having to browse the menu categories.

Mega menu

  • Located at the top below the Bank’s corporate identify, and the global search bar.
  • Features our core categories and their subsections for quick access.


  • Located at the bottom of the page below the content.
  • Contains both functional and utilitarian links, including:
    • secondary navigation to about us topics;
    • our affiliate sites;
    • legal content; and
    • social media and subscriptions.

Table of contents

  • Located on the right-side bar of the page.
  • Placed on heavy content pages and service pages.
  • Provides an overview of the page’s content.
  • In most cases, can be expended to see major sections and their sub-sections (if any).
  • Allows the users to go directly to the relevant section of the page.
  • Best used on pages with a long heading structure.


Throughout the website, tags for author, publications, speeches and more, populate feeds and filters, and help users find content.

On this page
Table of contents